By choosing Thunder Well Service to drill your well, you will ultimately be empowering communities by providing better sanitation and hygiene in underdeveloped countries across the world.
Water Crisis Info
More than a billion people in the world live on less than a dollar a day, and at least 663 million people lack access to safe drinking water. For all practical purposes, these statistics refer to the same people. Around the world, communities are trapped in debilitating poverty because they constantly suffer from water-related diseases and parasites, and waste enormous amounts of time carrying water over long distances. In response to this need, we work alongside churches and communities to install water systems in developing countries. Since Living Water International started, they have completed more than 17,800 water projects serving an estimated 5 million people.
Those Most Affected
It is women and young girls who suffer most from the lack of proper sanitation and hygiene. They are the water collectors, the cooks, the caretakers, and the teachers. This means a life of missing school and work, and poor nutrition when they are home caring for family members sick with water related diseases. It is also an undignified and dangerous life, with staggeringly high statistics of women who are attacked both physically and sexually while looking for a safe place to defecate, and discriminated against and shunned during their menstrual cycles. In addition to the cultural hardships, there are also grave biological concerns due to maternal deaths caused by infections in the six weeks after childbirth, mainly due to unhygienic conditions and poor infection control during labor and delivery. In all, inadequate sanitation and poor hygiene together cause 2.2 million deaths annually.
What Living Water International Does
Water Access:
Living Water began working in water provision, and it continues to be a cornerstone of our work. Water access is about more than installing water systems; it's about installing the right systems, which might mean water wells, rainwater harvesting, protected springs, or something else entirely. It's about helping communities and regions have enough safe, accessible, reliable water to significantly improve the lives of the people who live there.
In places where there is no safe, clean place to go to the toilet, people struggle with disease, lack of privacy, and indignity. Once communities have access to safe, sustainable water, they can improve their sanitation, dramatically raising their quality of life-improving health, increasing school achievement, and multiplying productivity.
Hygiene Promotion:
Safe water and sanitation systems are important, but to have an impact, people need to use them effectively to improve their health. Education helps people understand how to prevent diseases by hand washing, proper water storage, and using a latrine. Head knowledge is just the beginning; helping communities identify important behaviors and make their own plan to use them is the end goal.